Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hello Friends!

Well, this is my first post! This blog will be a great way to keep up with my crazy busy life. There are so many things I want to share with all of you, and this is the perfect way to do it. I stay really busy, but I am enjoying every second of my life in Tennessee!

I have one more year left at East Tennessee State University, and then I will be moving back home to attend NC State to get a Master's in Teaching. Future plans include a Ph.D in History from Duke, so I am working towards that goal as well. I hope to one day teach at the university level. I try not to make plans to far into the future, because God may have other plans in mind! Which is perfectly okay with me!

A lot has happened over the last semester at school. I stay really busy with the Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) on campus. I was a co-leader for the New Student Ministry this year, and it was a blast! We organized a New Student Retreat, and have had various other events throughout the year. It was such a blessing to see their desire to get involved and grow in Christ. Next year I will be the Vice President at the BCM. It is a big job, but I know that is where God wanted me to be!

Many of you know that I did summer missions last summer through Light Messengers and the Tennessee Baptist Convention. I had an amazing week in Mexico last summer, and this summer I will be serving 6 weeks in Vancouver, British Columbia! It was originally going to be Alberta, but with all the hype from the Olympics there is a greater opportunity for ministry in Vancouver. I am so excited about my summer, and I have faith that God is going to do great things in and through me. Thanks to those of you who are supporting financially or through prayer! The second reason I am creating this blog is so all of you can keep up with what God is doing in my life, especially this summer in Vancouver. I don't know what my schedule will be like once I am there, but I will try to post as much as I can. I hope you guys will read them, enjoy them, and most of all pray for what God is doing there.

I posted a few pictures of things that have happened over the last few semesters including Date Night, our Office Party, Halloween, and our big snow...enjoy!