Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I haven't posted anything in a while, but I wanted to update you on some exciting news about my summer. I found out several weeks ago that I will no longer be serving in Alberta and the Northwest Territories this summer. Instead, I will be serving in VANCOUVER, BC!!! I am very excited about this! We were told that because of the increased tourism to Vancouver due to the Olympics that there is a greater opportunity for ministry there. Our team will be joining with the Vancouver team, and I know that God will use all of us in a mighty way.
I only know two of the people I will be serving with this summer. Brigette Thompson (a good friend of mine from ETSU), and Lauren Hurst (from UT-Martin) will be joining me in Vancouver. They are both godly women with a desire to spread the gospel, and I am confident that we will be a great team. I don't know who else we will be serving with, or how many for that matter, but I am very excited to begin this great adventure. I have several prayer requests for the summer, and I would really appreciate the prayer support before and during my trip. Thanks to all of you who have given financially, or who have committed to pray for me. I love you all dearly, and I cannot wait to share some of the amazing things I know God will do this summer!

Prayer Requests:
- Pray for safe travels as we embark on the long flight to Vancouver.
- Pray that our team will bond quickly, and work well together throughout the summer.
- Pray that we will be bold in our faith, even when we may be uncomfortable.
- Pray that the Spirit will lead us in the right directions as far as the ministries that will work best in Vancouver.
- Pray that we will not be discouraged.
- Pray that God will challenge me, and that I will grow through this experience.
- Pray for God to soften the hearts of the people, so that they may be more receptive to the gospel.

Brigette, one of my Canada teammates

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