Monday, June 21, 2010

First Official Week of Ministry

We are heading into our first official week of ministry! We were a little worried at first, because now that orientation is over, we are all on our own! It is up to us to make our daily plans and decide the best ways in which to serve the people here, and help the church planters in Vancouver. There is so much opportunity for ministry here, and we are certain that God will guide us in all that we do. We are planning on spending a couple of days each week on the campus of Simon Fraser and the University of British Columbia, where two churches have been started or are in the process. There is also a church plant that is in the baby stages, and we want to encourage their ministry as well. We are going to spend time meeting students, and serving them in various ways hoping that God will open up doors for us to share. We are also planning on passing out gift bags with a few necessities we take for granted, such as food and water, to many of the homeless who congregate around East Hastings Street downtown. Please pray that God will open up opportunities for us to share with them a message of hope that is only through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Also please pray that we will be able to fill up our schedule every week, but that we will also have time to rest, rejuvenate, and grow together as a team. We are all excited about what God is going to do in this city, and what he will continue to do even after we are gone. Thanks for the prayers!

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