Friday, June 18, 2010

We're Here!

We have arrived in Vancouver, and are already in love with this amazing city. We have been blessed with some really great supervisors who have been leading us in orientation up til today. We are finally in our first home for the summer which is the basement of a house. We will stay here for 10 days and then move to our home for the last month which will be on the campus of Simon Fraser University where will be doing a lot of work with a local church plant called The Point. We are working with two other church plants in the area, and it has been amazing to see God working through these amazing dedicated followers. We are getting used to the time change and the long days. The sun is out at 4:30 and doesn't go down until 10! Vancouver is a beautiful city, but is full of lost people. Please pray that God will direct us as we begin our first full week of ministry.
Also please be praying for the Maine team and the family of Palmer Maphet who was killed in a car accident this past week. He was on the New England Travel team with three other summer missionaries from Tennessee. The other team members have been released from the hospital. Please pray that God will bring comfort and peace in this tragic situation. Pray for the family, friends, teammates, supervisors, and fellow summer missionaries who will carry on God's work and shine their light just as Palmer did with his life! Thanks for the support, and God Bless!

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