Monday, July 5, 2010

An Amazing Week!

Hey Guys! This past week was the busiest, longest, fastest, most tiresome week thus far, but it was AMAZING!!! We helped The Point church with a 3 day festival on Burnaby mountain with the help of a great team from Georgia. We were able to serve the community, most of whom are nonbelievers with no religious background whatsoever. We made some really good connections, and hope to build upon those relationships in the coming weeks. We have prayed constantly for God to make us bold and courageous, and for him to open up opportunities for us to share, and He has done just that. We serve an amazing God who is always faithful!

We were able to squeeze in a little fun as well! A team from Georgia came to help us out during the festival, and they were amazing. Thursday, Canada Day, after all the festivities were over we went with the Georgia team, and Vicky (read below) downtown to see the fireworks. We were able to see the Olympic torch as well, which was amazing! We had a great time of fellowship, and it was the perfect way to wind down an amazing week. I will post some pictures of what we have done so far in Vancouver.

We do have a few prayer requests:

1. Pray that we will continue to be bold and courageous for the sake of the Gospel.

2. Pray that though we may be ridiculed, or rejected that we would rejoice in our suffering because it is for the sake of Christ's name.

3. Pray for Vicky, a Chinese girl we met during the festival. She is no a Christian, and has no religious background, but she is very curious and asking a lot of questions. We have spent some time with her, and are going to spend more time with her this week. Pray that God will guide us, and work through us as we continue to invest in her, and build our friendship.

4. Pray for Shiraz, an older Indian man who we met at the grocery store. We made a great connection with him, and he loves to talk and ask questions. Pray that we can spend more time getting to know him, and that God will open up opportunities for us to share.

5. Pray for Alvin, a Chinese guy we met at UBC today. He was very friendly, and we spent some time talking to him. We are going to invite him to go to the beach with us on Friday, so pray for God's hand in that as well.

6. Finally, pray for all the contacts we made at the Festival this past week. There were 17 people who do not go to church, and are probably nonbelievers who wanted more information about The Point, and what they are doing in the community. We are going to have a Follow-up Fiesta tomorrow night to call the families who wanted to know more.

Thanks for the prayers, and support. I love you all =)

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