Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A little weary...

We only have about a week and a half left here in Vancouver! I know we all have mixed feelings about returning home because we feel like there is SO much work left to be done, but we know that God has been working before us, and that he will continue working after us in the lives of the people here. We are seeing God working in many lives, and it has been such an encouraging and rewarding experience.
We are growing a little tired, and some days it is hard to find the strength to keep going. We have been very burdened by many experiences while here, and it is finally starting to take a toll. However, I was reminded the other day of the comforting words of our Father, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Mathew 11:28-30. Our team will lean on these words for our last days here. We know that through God we can find the strength to keep going, and that God will give us peace and comfort when we leave on the 26th. We will leave knowing that our God is greater, and stronger, and that His work here will never stop. So many seeds have been planted, and the harvest is ripening here in Vancouver. I have faith that the Lord of the harvest will continue to work, and that He will call more workers here, and one day the harvest will be plentiful and the Kingdom will be expanded! I can't wait for that day!

Please be praying for all of the people we have met, especially our friend Vicky who is warming up to the Gospel. We met a guy named Alvin, and his friends, Sam and Iman, at UBC last week and we had a great opportunity to share a little with him the other day. He is an atheist, but very open to discussing Christianity, so please be praying for him. Please be praying for Shiraz, Romina, Andrew, Peter, and all of the other families we have been able to connect with at SFU. Pray for The Point, as they will continue to reach out to these people after we leave. Pray for the pastors we have been working with, that they will be encouraged and given the strength to continue their work. Also, pray for us to receive the strength and energy we need to finish up our time here. Thanks for the support and encouragement, and especially the prayers!

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